Love, Joy, Peace...

Get involved in the Ministry at RiverBend Church!

It is our desire that everyone gets involved in what God is doing through His church. Please complete this form by checking the ministries you would like to receive information on how to get involved and return to the church office. This will be sent to the team leaders who will contact you to discuss how you can serve and best use your gifts.

This is not a binding contract! If you get into the ministry and feel that this is just not right for you, you can switch teams.

The goal is to have everyone in our church family serving on a team according to their spiritual gifts.

*Nursery Ministry - Our nursery ministry exists to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children ages birth to two years old.

*Toddler Ministry - Our toddler ministry exists to introduce the children to the Bible stories and teach them about God’s love.

*Children’s Ministry - Provide children with a means of meeting and growing in relationship with Jesus.

*Student Ministry (grades 6-12) - Reach students with the message of Jesus with the purpose of them become life-long disciples. 

*AWANA - The AWANA team covers various positions within the AWANA discipleship program for children ages 2- 6 th grade.

Audio - (sound mixing) Run Sound for Sunday morning service. Available for practice Thurs night before Sun scheduled

Visual - (lyrics, sermon notes) Basic computer skills needed. Available for practice Thurs night before Sun scheduled

Video - Facebook Live on Sunday morning (monthly rotation)

**Worship Ministry - Provide worship leadership for our church. Lead the congregation in corporate times of worship.

Prayer Ministry - Fervently pray for God’s direction & leadership. Provide prayer support for worship services and individuals.

LightSource Ministry- Plan and enlist the congregation into care ministries to display the love of Christ for His creation.

Farmer’s Market- This team operates the concession stand at the Rocky Mount Farmers Market as a means of community involvement for RB.

Hospitality Team- This team is responsible for setting up the coffee station each Sunday morning.

First Impressions Team- This team is responsible for welcoming and orienting guests to RB on Sunday mornings

Parking Lot Team- This team is the front line in welcoming guests and ministry partners.

Building & Grounds Team- This team is responsible for the upkeep of our facilities and lawn maintenance.

Connection Center Team- This team takes care of our first-time guests and answers questions that may arise.

Fellowship/Social Team- This team takes care of fellowship meals and special events.

Decorating Team- This team takes care of decorating throughout the year.

*Safety Team- This team takes care of maintaining a safe worship environment.

*Teams require application and background checks prior to serving

** Team requires application

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Contact Number (Required)
Best Time To Call
Name of the Ministry you would like to join (Required)